Life Sciences:

The field of Life Science have gone through a technological revolution. Biokrom based in Ahmedabad is proud to be a part of this exhilarating search by providing innovative tools from world leaders. Biokrom works in field of life sciences with unique approach to provide clients with a quantifiable and operational advantage in the arena of high performance, sustainability and smart solutions. We offer products like PCR, Automated Liquid Handling workstations, Illumina Hiseq and Homogenizer.


Clinical Research

Biokrom aims to provide Solutions that clients can trust to meet the challenges of clinical research and help them translate their research to future relevant clinical applications. In Clinical Research range we provide bunch of products like Dako Antibodies, Altona Diagnostics Real Time PCR Kits, Gel Electrophoresis, Bio Safety Cabinet and CO2 Incubator. Serving the world in time of crisis, biokrom is proud to offer ICMR recommended Altona Diagnostics RealStar® SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Kit 1.0 (COVID-19)



Analytical instrumentation field has become more sophisticated nowadays. In the contemporary time, microcontrollers and personal computers have been integrated into analytical equipments to present more accurate findings. The instruments help in analysing materials and establishing the composition. Among the most common types of analytical equipments that we offer are Spectrophotometer, Analytical Balance, Viscometer, Oven, Microscope, water purification system and several others.



Services related to Protemics and Genomics are import aid for Indian Scientists. Biokrom has been servicing this field with experience of more than 15 years and has huge service offerings with quality as top rated deliverable. Biokrom provides NGS , Micro Array and Sanger Services in field of Genomics while Gel Based proteomic, Liquid Based Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry services for Proteomics.